Monday, October 20, 2008

Blessed and happy

Lydia, yesterday I visited your grave, and for the first time when doing so, I smiled and did not cry. It was a beautiful fall day. Fall has such sad memories for me: my mother dying, your sickness last year, and yet it is my favorite time of year. I left after Sunday School yesterday to walk to the cemetery and place flowers by your beautiful "Canadian Rose" tombstone. I tidied up around your area and around your grandparents graves, then I just sat with you a while. It was quiet and peaceful and my love for you flowed warmly and happily through me. How dear you are to me. I thank God for you, and though you were not here on earth long enough to suit me, I am honored and blessed and happy for the time that you were here. You were good for me. You changed me. Before leaving your grave, I took the small metal gravestone marker placed there the day you were buried, and I took it home and put it at the foot of your magnolia tree. And I did not cry.