Friday, November 30, 2007

Still at St. Dominic tonight

We are still at St. Dominic Hospital. A room did not become available today at the hospice, but we are ready to go when one does. We have heard wonderful things about Sanctuary House, and it is a great comfort to us to know she will be in a such a caring, loving environment and so close to family and friends and home. Yesterday her Uncle Bob and Uncle Connie drove here to spend the day with her.

Lydia is still resting comfortably. Even the nurses not assigned to her come into the room and talk to her and tend to her needs, because they remember her from prior stays here. Sister Maira, a hospital chaplain, visits us frequently. She is from County Cork, Ireland, and speaks with that lovely, musical Irish lilt. Lydia adores her. Lydia actually turned her head and looked toward Sister Maira when she came in today. This is something Lydia has been doing today, turning toward familiar voices.

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